Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hey there.

Taking the initiative to introduce myself usually is not my cup of tea, but I am always willing to try. But to start off, my name is Cecily Smith.

The first thing you should know about me is that I am a very shy person, but friendly. However, after you know me I can be very outgoing and crazy. I can babble about randomness and laugh uncontrollably hard. I love to play sports, mostly soccer and volleyball. What I listen to varies with my mood, but I love to listen to a variety of artists, however I prefer upbeat songs (I have more than a thousand songs on my iPod). I love colorful things; anything colorful always catches my eye. I’m a sucker for friendship bracelets, and scents that smell really good and just amazing.

Since I was around five years old, I’ve been traveling outside the country with my family. My favorite places are London, California, or Paris. I’ve been inside one of the pyramids of Giza, the Colosseum, the top of the Eiffel Tower, the Taj Mahal, and more. People say I’m lucky to explore the world, and I agree, but I hate airplanes. I hate it when my ears pop, the smell inside the plane, and the food they serve is terrible.

Airplanes are probably one of the things I don’t like, but I also have a couple of pet peeves. A couple of them that I can think of at the moment are: when people talk during movies, drivers that don’t turn on their signals, people who always believe they’re right, and working with decimals. Whole numbers are just so much easier.

I’m not a very picky person; I’m up for usually about everything. I love taking adventures and exploring, I’m not one of the girls who care about breaking their nails and wear high heels. I can be girly if I want to be, but in the end, I just love to be comfortable so looks aren’t always my top priority.

There are many more random and strange facts about me, but I’ll stop here. Along with my introductions, I’m never good with endings. So I choose not to say my goodbyes, but to create new beginnings. :)

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