Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.

The first question that came into my mind while reading was “How does Jonathan Edwards know that God is fury with rage, and ready to make ‘his arrow drunk with blood’?” His speech was in his belief, which means it wasn’t necessarily true. So could he possibly be lying to everybody who listened to him? Wouldn’t it be a sin if he lied? And if it was a sin, how come Edwards didn’t drop dead while giving this speech?

I personally do not believe in God, but I know God wouldn’t be ready to kill his people in a second because of one tiny mistake. According to what I’ve learned, God loves everybody. Edwards claim God “abhors you” and “looks upon you as worthy of nothing else” which is definitely a lie. People make mistakes, and they’re still living because I know the human race isn’t extinct. We learn from our mistakes, people confess to what they did wrong, and they are forgiven. If this was a true statement, why is God so attentive with everybody’s actions if they may be forgiven anyway? God wants people to fear Hell so they know to behave themselves, not because Edwards says they can die any moment if they don’t watch what they do.

“But your guilt in the mean time is constantly increasing, and you are every day treasuring up more wrath”   
Not to offend people who possibly agree with Edwards, but he was probably a troubled man and an idiot. Possibly he had done something horrid, and lived in his own fear of possibly dying every day. Maybe his speech wasn’t for the audience, but for himself; he was the one building up with guilt, waking up and realizing he was still alive, not in hell. If he was very religious, he should have known God wouldn’t drop people into hell instantaneously, and what he spoke was not true, unless he had read it from the Bible.

If living in fear wasn’t the case for Edwards, he probably wanted to control people by fear. His listeners were probably easy to be brainwashed, so he had the ability to control them however he liked. If I had to hear him give that speech, I would be pretty scared as well. But I don’t believe what I hear until it can be proven to me, or I can see it to believe it for myself.

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